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Commencement of construction for Tajikistan project

We had started to construct in Dushanbe after site survey and preparation of construction license issues. 

Project Profile
Project Name: The Project For Improvement of Substations in Dushanbe
Client: Open Joint Stock Holding Company "Barki Tojik"
Contractor: Nishizawa Limited
1) Rehabilitation of 110kv substation (Promyshlennaya substation)
2) Newly-established 110kv substation (Radiostantsiya substation)

After the end of the civil war in 1997, the Republic of Tajikistan had made a strong progress in its economic activities, but the improvement of the standard of living after civil war has been delayed.
Furthermore, since the suspension of inter-regional electricity supply with Uzbekistan in 2009, the power shortage is accelerating. It is regarded as a top priority in Tajikistan that improvement and strengthening of power supply of the capital city Dushanbe, which is the center of politics, economy and society in Tajikistan.
In this project, we will renovate and reinforce existing substation and build a new substation. By doing this, we will contribute to the development of the economy and society. This project will bring the improvement of the standard of living.

Installation of switchboard   33/11kV distribution line