Celebration of Japan-Rwanda Cooperation in the Energy Sector
on the Occasion of the 60th Friendship Anniversary at the Gasogi
Substation and Distribution Netwrok
On July 20th, 2022, “Celebration of Japan-Rwanda Cooperation in the Energy sector on the Occasion of the 60th
Friendship Anniversary” was held at the Gasogi Substation in Kigali City which is under construction on “The Project for the Improvement of Substations and Distribution Network Phase 3”.
The bilateral relations between Japan and Rwanda marks the 60th anniversary in this July. Mr. Masahiro Imai,
the Ambassador of Japan to Rwanda and Dr. Ernest Nsabimana, Minister of Infrastructure participated in the
ceremony on behalf of their respective governments.
From the left, Mr. Maruo Shin (JICA Rwanda Office Chief Representative ), Mr.Armand
Zingiro (EUCL Managing Director ), Mr.Masahiro Imai (the Ambassador of Japan to Rwanda)
Dr. Ernest Nsabimana (Minister of Infrastructure), Mr. Felix Gakuba ( EDCL Managing Director),
Akihiko Ichikawa (President of Takaoka Engineering)
The Japanese government had implemented two grant aid projects dubbed “Improvement of Substations and
Distribution Network Phase 1 and Phase 2, and has been supporting to improve the quality of power supply in Kigali City. In the ceremony, the two governments reconfirmed the cooperation in energy sector between two countries
until today and agreed to strengthen the ties even further.
TAKAOKA ENGINEERING CO. LTD. (hereinafter called TEC), a group company of TAKAOKA TOKO CO. LTD., formed
a consortium with NISHIZAWA LIMITED, a general trading company, and made a contract of “The Project for the
Improvement of Substations and Distribution Network Phase 3” with EDCL (Energy Development Corporation
Limited) in December 2020. In this project, TEC has undertaken the full responsibility of engineering, civil and
construction works, and supply, transportation and installation of all the equipment and facilities on EPC basis in
collaboration with partners in many countries. (On behalf of the contractor, Akihiko Ichikawa, President of TEC,
participated in the ceremony.)
In Kigali City, Insufficient investments in substations and distribution network had been causing unstable power
supply, including more than 20% of transmission loss. That had been a particularly big obstacle to improvement of
economic activities and living standards. “The Project for the Improvement of Substations and Distribution Network
Phase 3” is to construct one 110/15kV substation and approximately 20km of 15kV distribution lines in Kigali City.
This Project will stabilize the power supply and contribute greatly to the development of Rwanda's economic
infrastructure. Through this cooperation, the installed capacity of transformers of the substation will triple, and the
transmission capacity will increase to six times and that will lead to realize stable power supply in the region.
TEC had completed two Rwanda projects; The Project for Improvement of Substations and Distribution Network
Phase 1 and Phase 2, on EPC basis since 2011. Furthermore, TEC had completed 8 cabins project in Kigali City
funded by IBRD in this May.
Expecting further development in African countries, TEC will continue to make our best efforts to contribute to
improvement of quality of life for citizens and economic development by participating in energy sector projects
※ EUCL:Energy Utility Corporation Limited.
EPC: Engineering, Procurement, and Construction
Basic data of the Republic of Rwanda
・National land area :About 26,300 square kilometers
・Population: About 1,263 million(2019年,World Bank)
・GNI per capita:USD820(2019,World Bank)