HOME > Business > Lao People's Democratic Republic / Supply of Electrical Equipment for “The Project for the Expansion of Water Supply System in Luang Prabang City‘’

Lao People's Democratic Republic  / Supply of Electrical Equipment for ' The 
    Project for the Expansion of Water Supply System in Luang Prabang City'

We have contracted to supply electrical equipment for the captioned project.
The objective of the Project is to improve water supply capacity for the sustainable city environment of
Luang Prabang World Heritage site area, through expanding water supply facilities including expansion
and development of water transmission and related facilities, and replacement of the existing pipelines
within World Heritage site area.
We supply electrical equipment for the renovation work in this project.

《Project Outline》

Client: Lao People's Democratic Republic / Department of Water Supply of the Ministry of Public             
          Works and Transport (DWS-MPWT)
Main contractor: Kubota Construction Co., Ltd.
Our customer: Kubota Corporation
Project finance: JICA grant aid
Electrical Equipment:
(1)Incoming Equipment: 1 lot
(2)Motor Control Center (MCC): 6 units
(3)Local Control Panels: 9 panels